Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Remembering 9/11/01

It was sobering to think about the events of 9/11/01 today. I can remember the first news broadcast about the first plane that crashed into the first tower, I was doing my psych rotation. I was actually on the pych unit. There was a gentleman that thought he was God and was always preaching to the patients about how everyone was going to hell. Well, this day he felt that he was validated. He knew that indeed the world was ending and everyone in it were hell-bound. Needless to say, the television was turned off. I remember Matt was traveling that day, by airplane, heading for California. His plane was grounded as was all air traffic, thank goodness. I remember crying all evening as I watched the TV. Evan was just about 18 months old toddling around, not a care in the world. Meanwhile I was talking w/ Matt on the phone getting updated on his traveling arrangements. If I remember right he was stranded in St Louis. The transportation in and out of the city was very limited. Either everything was already booked or shut down. Finally he and 5 or 6 other coworkers managed to secure and drive a rental car home. There were not enough seats for everyone, but they made it work. No one was left behind. I had an army of people, including our Bishop, calling the house to check on Matt and his whereabouts. When he finally made it home, he was then able to watch the footage of the plane crashes. How devastated and sick we felt as we watched in horror and disbelief. Fast forward to 9/11/07. I am at home w/ 4 children now as Matt is away in California on businness. I am so grateful that he was not on an airplane and very grateful indeed that today was uneventful.


Melanie said...

I can't imagine how hard that must have been!! I'm glad Matt is ok too!

Indy Daleys said...

Well said...