Today is December 13th! Officially 12 Days before Christmas! So in light of the miserable week we had, we decided to try & bring the Christmas spirit into our home. We drove to the mountain town of Georgetown. They were having an old Victorian Christmas Market. It was fun to see the mountain village. It seemed 20 degrees colder up there & it was snowing. We then came home and tried our best to teach the big boys the true meaning of Christmas with our first of twelve Christmas lessons & Christmas songs. We also began our Service Star!
This poem is attached to a metal star ornament:
Here's a Magical Christmas Star
Here's a Magical Christmas Star
With a tradition old and true
May it bring you warmth and love
Not only at Christmas, but all year through.
Now every day til'the New Year
Find someone in your home,
And secretly do a deed of love
So your identity won't be known.
And when the secret act is done,
Place the star upon their bed.
They in turn do a secret deed
For another it is said.
And like the star so long ago
Lit the sky for all the world to see,
May this star bring light and joy
To your wonderful family.