Thursday, March 6, 2008


Declan, Dylan & Dawson at Nana's house.

We had the opportunity to have cousin Dylan in our home for a couple of days. What fun the kids had w/ him. We don't get to see him often, so we try to make every moment count. He fits in great at our house, he is 1 year older than Carter, 2 years younger than Evan. But he acts as a buffer between the two. Perfect! No fighting, just lots of playing, just as it should be. Anyhow, Carter was testing Dylan and asked, "which baby is which?". Dylan said, "Easy(as he pointed to ) Dawson & Declan". I was amazed! I asked, "How'd you know?" Dylan said, "My brother." I said your brother?", And he said with total clarity, "My brother Donnie told me." What do you say to that? Donovan died a little over a year ago, but he will always be Dyl's brother!

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