Monday, October 22, 2007

Am I Good Enough?

While I was on bed rest for 10 weeks I had way too much time to think. I have pondered many a night as to why Heavenly Father is sending all of these twins to this earth at this time. Why my family? While I feel extremely blessed, I also feel so inadequate. Am I a good enough mother? Will my boys be as valient and faithful as the 2,000 Stripling Warriors? In this time of great turmoil in the world and knowing it will only get worse before it gets better, it causes one to wonder why there is such an increase in the amount of multiple births being born these days. I have read so many journal articles on this very topic and there really is no clear answer as to why this is happening. There are speculations, but does anyone really know? Will our son's be called to war? Will our son's be called on missions to usher in the Savior in the final days? Will they be strong enough to accept their callings? Am I doing all that I can do to make sure that their callings are fulfilled?


Amy said...

Yes, you are! God does not give us more than we can handle WITH Him on our side. Alone, no, you aren't strong enough. But with God you are. You have been chosen as their mother. I'd say that's a compliment :)

Amy said...

Yes, you are! God does not give us more than we can handle (WITH Him on our side). Yes, it's a big calling, but you can do it. I'd say it's a compliment from the person we want those most from :)

Melissa said...

You are a great Mom. Your boys are lucky they have you!

Nana said...

You are a wonderful Mother to 4 of the most handsome little guys that a Nana could ask for. I'm so proud of the way that you handle your kiddos. The Lord is on your side and will be with you every step of the way. He has trusted you with them for a season. They are in good hands. Love, Mom